This is the cycad Macrozamia reidlei. Cycads are cool because they are the primitive palms. They were around when Dinosaurs dominated the planet. They are rare to see in the PNW. The one most people are familiar with is the sago palm, Cycas revoluta, but there are many more, diverse and beautiful, as only a cycads can be.
Macrozamia reidlei is big and brawny, but doesn’t like freezing wet weather. It goes inside for the winter. It is found in western Australia, with winter lows at 40 degrees.
They need good drainage and have compact root systems that don’t mind confinement in a small pot. To swallow them in a big pot with a heavy peat potting mix is certain to induce root rot. Like all cycads they are slow growing and one flush of a rosette of new leaves a year is good for our region. Good light with alittle afternoon shade (in August) makes them happy. And don’t forget to feed it now and then.