Looking to add a touch of the tropics to your inside environment? Our year-round “hot house” is a wonderland of unusual plants with eye-catching blooms and foliage. Here are just a few examples – see a full list of offerings below the sample photos.
Anthurium Begonia Bromeliad Bromeliad Rex Begonia Cactus Davallia trichomanoides Houseplants Ming Aralea Staghorn Streptocarpus Tillandsia Escheveria Annona muricata (Soursop) Nepenthes Pachira
Here’s what we typically have on hand. Visit or call for specific availability.
- Episcia
- Aloe
- Escheveria
- Cacti
- Coleus
- Euphorbia
- Epiphyllum
- Begonia
- Hoya
- Croton
- Bromeliad
- Tillandsia
- Sanseveria
- Anthurium
- Aralea
- Charita
- Carissa
- Diffenbachia
- Fiddle-leaf Fig
- Rubber Tree
- Scheflera
- Zamioculus
- Dracaena
- Rhipsalis
- Stapelia
- Lithops
- Phlebodium