Want the look of the tropics in your garden without the challenge of overwintering plants indoors? We have an ample supply of tropical-looking varieties that will give you the look you’re seeking, but are more hardy than a true tropical plant. Some of our tropical looking plants require a little protection during very cold winters. Peruse the list of offerings below the sample photos to get a better idea of our plant scope.
Hardy Hibiscus Tigridia Tasmanian Tree Fern Cordyline Musa basjoo Dioon Asparagus Fern Osmunda regalis Fuschia Sarracenia
Here’s a list of what we typically have on hand, but often there’s more! Please call us if you’re looking for a specific item and for availability of the items listed below.
- Aucuba
- Acanthus
- Aspidistra
- Callistemon
- Fatsia
- Oleander
- Cordyline
- Hedychium
- Tetrapanax
- Kerria
- Agave
- Musa
- Phormium
- Cestrum
- Jasmine
- Abutilon
- Hibiscus moscheutos
- Sarracenia
- Tradescantia
- Giant Impatien
- Canna
- Liatris
- Eucomis
- Bamboo