Staffing changes require that our RETAIL nursery hours will be from 10 a.m. -5 p.m. on Fridays and Saturdays ONLY beginning in January 2023.
WHOLESALE nursery clients please email for inquiries or to make an appointment for pick-up outside of those hours.
Our wholesale business focuses on providing top-quality, northwest acclimatized palms of a variety of sizes and species, and several other plant species for indoor or outdoor use. Pre-approval is required to receive wholesale pricing. Product generally available is shown below. Click for a wholesale price list once approval has been extended; call for specific product availability.

Trachycarpus fortunei
1 & 5, gal pots; 25 gal bags with 2′ to 6′ of trunk, or field grown to 10′ of trunk.

Trachycarpus takil
1 gal

Trachycarpus wagnerianus
1 gal

Phoenix roebelenii
5 gal & 7 gal

Butia eriospathia
5 gal

Chamaerops humilis
1, 5, 15 gal. Chamaerops humilis or Mediterranean fan palm. Inquire about larger specimens.

Chamaerops humilis (cerifera)
1, 5, 15 gal Blue Mediterranean Fan Palm

Sabal minor (Dwarf palmetto)
15 gal.

Sabal palmetto (Sabal palm)
1, 5 gal. Also called sabal palm, palmetto palm, cabbage palm.

Dasylirion longissima
1 gal & 5 gal
Also called Mexican Grass Tree.